Let’s Connect

You used to love your life.

On the outside, it looks like you have it all together.
Achiever. Creative. Driven. Professional. Smart. Successful. 
But really, you’re just…
Exhausted and overwhelmed, 
Disconnected with others but, most importantly, yourself.
Does this resonate?
I can help.

Break Free from Burnout and Reignite Your Self-Care Journey!

I've walked in your shoes as an overworked professional, intimately familiar with your struggles.

If you find yourself battling self-doubt, self-judgment, imposter syndrome, and the constant need to wear a mask at work, it's time for a transformative change.

You've poured your heart and soul into your career, only to realize it no longer brings you the joy it once did.

Deep down, you long to trust your intuition and establish firm boundaries, but the weight of burnout has taken its toll.

But fear not because I'm here to guide you on a path of self-care and liberation.

Burnout is a formidable opponent, but I've crafted a program to help you break up with burnout and make up with self-care.

Together, we'll embark on a journey through six empowering steps, helping you recover from burnout while rediscovering the importance of caring for yourself.

Are you ready to reclaim your energy and transform your life?

Let's dive in!

I created the oK Method which is personalized to each client, ensuring that your unique needs and aspirations are at the forefront.

Together, we'll navigate through the following modules to support your recovery from burnout.

  • Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery.

    Through introspection and reflection, peel away the layers that have accumulated over time and reconnect with your true essence.

    Embrace your unique qualities, values, and passions, laying a solid foundation for personal growth, empowerment, and a more fulfilling life.

    Prepare to embark on this transformative journey of rediscovering and embracing your authentic self.

  • Discover the powerful link between your mind and body.

    Through mindfulness, breathing exercises, and self-reflection, deepen your awareness and develop strategies to support your well-being.

    Nourish both your mind and body for lasting resilience and self-care.

  • Harness the power of your intuition and make choices that align with your well-being.

    It's time to listen to your inner wisdom and prioritize what truly matters to you.

  • Say goodbye to the versions of yourself that no longer serve you, making room for growth and transformation.

    This step is about shedding the layers of burnout and embracing the opportunity for positive change.

    Together, we'll create a new chapter where self-care takes center stage, and your authentic self can flourish.

  • We'll reignite your joy in everyday moments and help you reconnect with your passions.

    Through exploration, you'll discover new avenues for fulfillment and purpose.

    Self-care will become integral to your life, nurturing your well-being and reigniting your enthusiasm for the journey ahead.

  • This step is all about embracing the power of small, consistent actions to build new routines that prioritize your well-being.

    I will encourage you to dream big and pursue exciting possibilities.

    Together, we'll work towards creating a life filled with purpose, balance, and self-care, making lasting changes along the way.

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You will stop living a life of burnout, reclaim your energy and start living a life you love.

  • A life you love is one without any apologies. 

  • It’s honoring who you are today and not who you were yesterday. 

  • When you do this, you will show up better for yourself and others. 

  • And you create more time and energy in your life that will allow you to live purposefully. 

In this partnership, we remove the obstacles & the self-doubt that no longer serve you. My approach is to work side by side with you, clearing out unwanted energy and helping you move forward with a life you could only imagine!

Ready to create an easier life free of burnout?
Let's chat.

Are you ready to make a shift?
What is stopping you from starting today?
Let's discuss how I can help you go from Khaos to Calm in my 6-month Program.

Schedule a 50-Minute Mini Session.

Click below.

Client Appreciation

  • It’s so hard to navigate big life changes alone...

    "Thank you so much to Gale at Orderly Khaos! She really helped get my life back on track after the divorce. It’s so hard to navigate big life changes alone, it makes all the difference to have help!"
    - Tess J., Divorced and Awesome

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why should I hire a Self-Care + Burnout Coach?

    You are burnt out, and you are ready to reclaim your energy.
    You are not a priority in your life, rarely make time for yourself, and you put everyone else, including your job, first.
    You avoid making difficult decisions because you no longer trust your intuition.
    You are at a crossroads in life and want more clarity on what is next.
    You are a people pleaser who lacks boundaries, and it’s draining.
    You are ready to improve your sense of self while uncovering your hidden skills and untapped talents.
    You no longer feel aligned with your current career, are still determining what you want to pursue next or want to become a solopreneur.

  • May I schedule an intro call first?

    Yes! I offer a complimentary 30-minute Break-Up with Burnout Call to see if we can work together.

  • I have a therapist, why would I need a coach?

    Coaching and therapy have similarities but use different approaches. Coaching focuses on what is currently happening in one's life, what's getting in the way of change, and strategies to move toward the desired outcome. The client and coach work in partnership to create a plan to support the client and provide accountability.

    Both therapy and coaching can be useful in one's life and can even be used at the same time!

  • What can I expect from coaching sessions?

    Coaching sessions are tailored to your unique needs and goals. We will work together to identify areas of your life that require attention and develop strategies to address them. Sessions may include goal setting, action planning, accountability check-ins, and exploring self-care practices.

“If you feel stuck in your present life, if you feel no enthusiasm for anything, if you think you have no purpose or that you lost that purpose somewhere along the way, I guarantee you are living in a dungeon made of stories.
And that none of those limiting stories are true.”

Martha N. Beck

Not ready for a call?
Can not find a time that works for you?
Have questions?

Please send me a message!
I’d love to hear from you!