Roaming Free: Lessons from a Burnout Coach's Journey Back to the East Coast

As someone who has experienced burnout twice, I have witnessed firsthand the toll that constant stress and overwhelm can take on our physical and mental health. Burnout is a common experience for many women, especially those who juggle multiple roles and responsibilities in their personal and professional lives.

But what happens when burnout is not just about work or relationships but about the very place where we live?

I recently started to experience this when I moved back to the east coast after years of living and working in different parts of the country. While I was excited to be closer to family and friends, I struggled to adjust to the pace of life and the cultural norms of my new environment. As a lifelong wanderlust, I also felt a sense of restlessness and a desire to roam free in the world.

Through my personal journey, I have learned some valuable lessons that I now share with others who are navigating similar transitions or experiencing burnout related to their sense of place and purpose.

Here are some insights that have helped me find balance and joy in my new home while honoring my desire to explore and discover new horizons.

✨ Honor your Roots
Moving back to the east coast allowed me to reconnect with my family and childhood memories. I consciously tried to embrace the local traditions, foods, and landscapes that were familiar and comforting to me. This helped me feel more grounded and connected to my identity and values, despite experiencing new challenges and opportunities.

✨ Embrace Novelty
At the same time, I recognized the importance of exploring new parts of my city and trying new activities that I had never done before. By approaching my new home with curiosity and openness, I discovered hidden gems and unexpected delights that helped me appreciate the diversity and richness of my surroundings.

✨ Find your Tribe
As a burnout coach, I know how crucial it is to have a supportive community of like-minded people who share your interests and values. I made an effort to connect with different groups and organizations that aligned with my passions, like taking a Reiki course, joining an intuitive writing group, etc...These connections gave me a sense of belonging and opened up new opportunities for personal and professional growth.

✨ Stay Connected to the World
While embracing your local community and culture is important, it's also essential to maintain a global perspective and stay connected to the larger world. As a coach and mentor, I make a point to attend virtual events and conferences and stay in touch with colleagues and friends worldwide. This helps me stay inspired and motivated and reminds me that the world is full of infinite possibilities.

✨ Practice Self-Care

Finally, as with any form of burnout, it's essential to prioritize self-care and stress management. I make sure to carve out time for meditation, movement, and relaxation, and I also seek support from therapists, coaches, and other healers as needed. By caring for myself, I can better show up for my clients and community and continue exploring and discovering the world around me.

Returning to the east coast has been both a challenging and rewarding journey for me. It has reinforced my belief in the power of resilience, adaptability, and self-discovery. As women, we can thrive and grow no matter where we are as long as we honor our roots, embrace novelty, find our tribe, stay connected to the world, and practice self-care.

By doing so, we can achieve a sense of balance and fulfillment that allows us to roam free and live our best lives, no matter where our paths may lead.

  • Do you ever feel a deep longing to explore the world and roam free, even while managing the pressures of daily life?

  • Wishing you a week filled with self-care and self-love.

  • What are your thoughts?
    Leave a comment or shoot me an email to continue the discussion.

🤍 Gale
Orderly Khaos
”There is Beauty in the Khaos”


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